X3 reunion vs terran conflict
X3 reunion vs terran conflict

x3 reunion vs terran conflict

Of course this is all based on your “notoriety” with each race, which can be bad simply based on the color of your skin or the genes in your DNA. As you fly through different “jump gates” to map different sectors (fully contained solar systems with planets, suns, resources, etc) you come into contact with all manner of pirate, military, and friendlies that want you to go here and shoot down this, haul this over to there, keep pirates off of this transport ship, or give rides to passengers needing to get to other places in the galaxy. Plopped down in the heart of a newly discovered galaxy, this expansion zone is being swept up by the different races for their own reasons (the strongest of which is always greed).į or the first few days, maybe even weeks of playing, it’s all about learning and exploring. Either way you cut it, you start out with a ship and a dream. the profit-based Teladi, holy crusading Paranid, or war-mongering Split… These are just a few of the different species you can start as, or run into the during the course of the game. When you load the game you have many options on how to start out, as there are at least a half dozen different playable races in this game, everything from the human Argons or Terrans, to the aquatic-planet based Boron. Now Pandora’s Gate has been found, a new link to an unkown portion of the galaxy, “the expansion zone.” Of course everyone is hot to settle the zone and exploit it for profits and resources. These gates are always popping up as they were built millions of years ago, and we’re only finding them and turning them on. The galaxies are linked by star gates that allow instant travel between solar systems. The basic premise is, way in the future mankind exists in a universe with many other races. From the ground up, it is filled with gorgeous solar systems, gigantic space stations, and absolutely killer ship designs. XTC is one of the most beautifully built “unofficial” games I have ever seen. Do you like learning curves served in healthy portions with your Space Combat Simulators? Then this game is for you. This can take weeks, months, years to do, and the bigger the game, the bigger the task.Īfter 4 years of blood, sweat, and tears (and apparently a consensual, adult relationship with an office coffee-machine), X3: Xtended Terran Conflict 2.0 has been released to the masses.

x3 reunion vs terran conflict

Modding is when you take the original code of a game and tweak it, re-write it, add-on to it, and re-release it. In the world of video games, that level of commitment has a name, and it’s called Modding. There is a level of fanaticism out there that goes beyond fan fiction, beyond long hours spent twiddling away with whatever the focus of the obsession might be.

x3 reunion vs terran conflict

Not the plug-in kind, but the obsessed kind.

X3 reunion vs terran conflict