I monitor server logs (similar to what killfeed does), and then I spawn after server restart the items a user crafted. Since consoles have all the modding limitations you are probably aware of already, I had to resort to a hacky way to implement this. This mod would allow players to craft makeshift guns and ammo, giving crafting a very important role in the game. One of the things I worked on is a crafting mod for consoles. Hello everyone, some of you may recall I am trying to build an alternate DayZ experience, with a potentially very different game concept. Tag/link flair descriptions Official Links News+Bohemia Text Only No Fluff Media & Creative Support/Bugs+Feedback No Support/Bugs+No Feedback News Discussion Useful/PSA Gameplay/PVP Roleplaying Humor/NonRP Screenshot/NonHumour Creative/Story Community/Faction Support/Bugs Feedback Subreddit Meta Bohemia Rumor eSports Modding Unlabeled Back to All

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